5,174 research outputs found

    [Review of] Francesco Cordasco and George Bernstein. Bilingual Education in American Schools: A Guide to Information Sources

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    This resource book is as valuable for non-specialists as it is For “old hands” in the area of bilingualism who want to have in one volume a guide to resources on Bilingual Education and related areas as they pertain to America

    [Review of] Ernesto Galarza, Farm Workers and Agri-business in California, 1947-1960

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    The reader who is already familiar with Galarza\u27s work will not find it surprising that once again he has done a painstaking job of writing this account of the history of agricultural workers in California during the years l947 to 1960. Contrary to Galarza\u27s own fears that the academically minded might find his book ”insufficient“ and the list of suggested readings ”too thin,” Farm Workers and Agri-business in California, 1947-1960 provides the reader with a wealth of information based on careful research and on Galarza\u27s own recollections of his experiences as a farm worker and union organizer during that period

    Yanagi, Ceramics and the Craft Values of Korean Aesthetics

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    The long Japanese tradition of Korean ceramics appreciation, closely associated with the Zen tea ceremony (chanoyu), has played an important role in the development of Korean aesthetics in the twentieth century. The art critic and philosopher Yanagi Soetsu was instrumental in this process during the occupation period, since, continuing in this tradition, he particularly valued Joseon ceramics for their aesthetic qualities - such as naturalness, nonchalance, and simplicity - akin to praised values in Zen Buddhism. Yanagi’s pioneering writings might have been influential in the prevalence of those traits when defining Korean art and aesthetics in general. After a brief presentation of key expressions defining Korean art and aesthetics, the paper focuses on Yanagi’s aesthetic assessment of Joseon ceramics and particularly on his proposal of its appreciation beyond the modern Western division between art and craft.

    Key features of a succesful invasive macroalgae: the case of asparagopsis taxiformis in Alboran Sea

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    Asparagopsis taxiformis (Bonnemaisoniales, Rhodophyta) is considered one of the most invasive seaweeds in the Mediterranean, and is included in the spanish checklist of invasive species. Recorded for first time in Southern Spain nearly twenty years ago, we are now ready to highlight its key features to have become a successful invader in Alboran Sea. Genetic studies showed that only one lineage of this species complex, is invasive in Alboran Sea, the lineage 2, which exhibits a wide physiological plasticity, exhibited in a wide thermal adaptation of performances of photosynthetic parameters like Pmax and α. Furthermore, the species is able to inhabit from shallow subtidal up to depths over -30m, due to its low Ic. The species exhibits a trigenetic life-cycle, with an invasive gametophyte dominating the host community, and a free-living tetrasporophyte (Falkenbergia phase) being the dispersal one. The gametophyte is present all the year round, and exhibits a high recruitment and vegetative growth capacity, which support more than 90% of the community biomass. Furthermore, sexual reproduction was perfomed during the whole year, except in winter months, accounting in summer months with more than 50% of the population with reproductive structures. Minimum size for reproduction was low (4-6 cm), considering the maximal size observed for the species in the study site (30 cm). Statistical anaylisis has shown no relationship of reproduction with environmental factors, such as nutrients or temperatura. These features, together with some other more, become A. taxiformis in an invasive species already well settled in Alboran Sea.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Memoria del segundo simposium sobre historia, sociedad y cultura de México y América Latina

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    El objetivo principal de esta ponencia consiste en reflexionar sobre los valores que se evocan en los textos fundamentales de la legislación de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM). El cuerpo central del texto se divide en tres apartados. En el primero se catalogan dichos valores a partir de una serie de clasificaciones axiológicas de carácter filosófico. En el segundo se interrelacionan los siete valores contemplados: libertad, tolerancia, respeto, autonomía, pensamiento crítico, responsabilidad y solidaridad. Y en el tercero se pone de manifiesto cómo se expresan tales valores en los dos textos principales de la legislación de la UAEM: la Ley de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y el Estatuto universitario de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. También se incluyen en esta ponencia, en sendos anexos, los artículos de ambos textos legales en los que se expresa algún valor cognitivo o ético, anotando a continuación de los artículos en cuestión, entre corchetes, los valores aludidos en ellos. Por último, se indica la bibliografía citada


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    Statistical information for empirical analysis is very frequently available at a higher level of aggregation than it would be desired. Economic and social indicators by income classes, for example, are not always available for cross-country comparisons, and this problem aggravates when the geographical area of interest is sub-national (regions). In this paper we propose entropy-based methodologies that use all available information at each level of aggregation even if it is incomplete. This type of estimators have been studied before in the field of Ecological Inference. This research is related to a classical problem in geographical analysis called to modifiable area unit problem, where spatial data disaggregation may give inaccurate results due to spatial heterogeneity in the explanatory variables. An empirical application to Spanish data is also presented

    Bio-adhesives from soy protein concentrate and montmorillonite: Rheological and thermal behaviour

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    The incorporation of different amounts of montmorillonite (MMT) to soy protein concentrate (SPC) was used to improve the performance of the bio-nano-adhesive obtained. X-Ray diffraction, rheology, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electronic microscopy were carried out to characterize the adhesives, and dry and wet strength was used to determine the adhesion strength. In the rheological measurement, the incorporation of up to 3 wt% of MMT did not modify the consistency index values of the SPC, while an increase in the flow consistency index for higher concentrations can be observed due to a strong interaction between MMT and the protein. Besides, the flow point values increase four times with respect to the value obtained for SPC alone. The decomposition temperature of SPC increases with the addition of MMT, which provides a tortuous pathway that obstructs the diffusion of volatile products out of the bio-nano-adhesive. Further addition beyond 5 wt% led to the formation of agglomerates, as verified by SEM. Moreover, the roughness of the fractured surface of the matrix can explain the decrease of the net adhesion of the nano-particles to the SPC suspensions.Fil: Bacigalupe, Alejandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial - Caucho; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Solarte, Alejandra María. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez, Mariela Alejandra. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; ArgentinaFil: Torres Sanchez, Rosa Maria. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica; ArgentinaFil: Eisenberg, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. Centro de Plástico; ArgentinaFil: Escobar, Mariano Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial - Caucho; Argentin

    A video object generation tool allowing friendly user interaction

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    In this paper we describe an interactive video object segmentation tool developed in the framework of the ACTS-AC098 MOMUSYS project. The Video Object Generator with User Environment (VOGUE) combines three different sets of automatic and semi-automatic-tool (spatial segmentation, object tracking and temporal segmentation) with general purpose tools for user interaction. The result is an integrated environment allowing the user-assisted segmentation of any sort of video sequences in a friendly and efficient manner.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Violències de gènere a les universitats catalanes : mesures per a la prevenció i superació

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    Les dades existents sobre violència de gènere mostren que aquesta problemàtica està present arreu del món i trenquen amb els estereotips sobre les dones víctimes, les causes i on es produeix. Dades d'investigacions internacionals indiquen que la violència de gènere és un fenomen que també es dóna en l'àmbit universitari, i existeixen ja nombroses iniciatives i experiències en moltes universitats del món que implementen mesures per prevenir i evitar situacions de violència de gènere en aquest context. En la recerca que presentem hem analitzat aquesta problemàtica en algunes universitats catalanes amb l'objectiu d'aportar mesures per contribuir a la superació de la violència i fer de les nostres universitats espais lliures de violència contra les dones.Los datos existentes sobre violencia de género muestran que esta problemática está presente en todo el mundo y rompen con los estereotipos sobre las mujeres víctimas, las causas y dónde se produce. Datos de investigaciones internacionales indican que la violencia de género es un fenómeno que también se da en el ámbito universitario, y existen ya numerosas iniciativas y experiencias en muchas universidades del mundo que implementan medidas para prevenir y evitar situaciones de violencia de género en este contexto. En la investigación que se presenta hemos analizado esta problemática en algunas universidades catalanas con el objetivo de aportar medidas para contribuir en la superación de la violencia y hacer de nuestras universidades espacios libres de violencia contra las mujeres.Les données qui existent sur la violence sexiste montrent que cette problématique est présente un peu partout dans le monde et contredisent les stéréotypes sur les femmes victimes, les causes et les lieux où les agressions se produisent. Les données de recherches internationales montrent que la violence sexiste est un phénomène qui est aussi présent dans le monde universitaire, et il existe déjà de nombreuses initiatives et expériences dans de nombreuses universités du monde qui permettent de mettre en oeuvre des mesures pour prévenir et éviter des situations de violence sexiste dans ce contexte. Dans la recherche que nous présentons, nous avons analysé cette problématique dans certaines universités catalanes dans le but d'apporter des mesures pour contribuer à dépasser ce problème et faire en sorte que nos universités soient des espaces libres de violence contre les femmes.Existing data on gender-based violence show that the problem exists all over the world. The data also run counter to the stereotype of women as victims, altering our view of what the causes of the problem are and where it now exists. Data from international research indicate that gender-based violence is also present in university life and there are already numerous initiatives and experiences on many campuses throughout the world that involve implementing measures to prevent and stop gender-based violence. In our research, we have analysed the issue in a number of Catalan universities in order to offer measures that may contribute to eradicating this kind of violence and making our universities free of violence against women